Honestly-it is doing you no good at all if it is not being found in search results. If people searching online do not find you in the results how are they ever going to end up reading your posts! Simply put- they won't be unless you do some basic optimization so search engines find your blog. Well how in the world are you going to do that you ask? Here are some simple steps anyone with a professional or business blog should take to make sure it is actually being found in search results:
- Use Tags: Add tags (or keywords) to your post. The best way to do this is to actually consider how you would type it in on Google or whatever search engine you use. For example my tags for this post will include (blogging tips) since I am offering tips for your blog. Using keywords is not rocket science--but keep in mind most people only type in a few words at a time so keep it short and simple with your tags.
- Submit your Blog: actually take the time to submit your blog to search engines--or if you have a webmaster make sure they do that for you.
- Register with Technorati: (they are actually a blog search engine and directory)
- Link your Blog to Social Media Sites: add your blog link on your social media sites like Facebook
- Twitter: open a twitter account and then tweet your Blog Titles with a link to the post every time you add new content
- Connect on Networks: link your blog on your professional networks like LinkedIn
- Post Content Often: you should try to add fresh content often-this is good for your audience and for search engines too.

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